Is Arc Browser the New Must-Have for Windows Users?

Arc Browser Logo

With the release of Arc Browser for Windows, many users may be wondering whether it’s time to switch from their current browser.

Before making any decisions, let’s dive into the seven standout features that make Arc Browser a compelling option for anyone using Windows.

Unique Features of Arc Browser:

1. Spaces for Organized Browsing

Arc Browser introduces “Spaces,” a feature that allows users to create separate environments for different contexts such as work, study, or personal use.

Each Space is customizable with its own pinned and unpinned sections, as well as a unique theme. Users can adjust the theme to light or dark mode and tweak the background transparency, tailoring each space to their visual preferences.

Arc Browser Spaces

2. Pinned Tabs and Favorites for Easy Access

Organizing tabs is smoother with the ability to pin them within the sidebar, ensuring they remain accessible and don’t get lost in a sea of tabs.

Users can also group these pinned tabs into folders, and these remain exclusive to the Space they’re created in. Adding tabs to Favorites allows for quick access across all Spaces, making navigation and multitasking more efficient.

3. Split View for Multitasking

Arc Browser’s Split View enables users to display and interact with multiple tabs side-by-side within the same window, supporting up to four tabs simultaneously.

This feature is perfect for those who need to compare information across different sites without the hassle of switching tabs or managing multiple windows.

4. Seamless Transition with Import Features

Transitioning to Arc Browser is made easy with features that allow users to import history, cookies, passwords, payment information, and bookmarks from their previous browsers.

This ensures that users can switch to Arc Browser without losing any important information or having to recreate their browsing setup from scratch.

5. Folders in Spaces for Enhanced Organization

Arc Browser helps keep related tabs organized by allowing users to create folders within Spaces. This helps in managing projects or organizing links that might be needed later.

The non-auto-archiving feature of tabs in folders further enhances productivity by keeping essential tabs readily available.

6. Customizable Search Engine Options

Users have the freedom to choose their default search engine from a diverse list including Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yandex, and Yahoo! India.

This customization ensures that users can select the search engine that best fits their preferences and privacy concerns.

Arc Browser Search Engine

7. Peek: A Quick Preview Tool

The Peek feature offers a quick preview of links from pinned tabs without needing to leave the current tab.

Users can expand these links to a full screen, add them to Split View, or close them after viewing. This is particularly useful for quickly checking links without disrupting the flow of work.


Arc Browser’s innovative features tailored for productivity, organization, and customization make it a strong contender for those considering a new browser on Windows.

Whether you’re a professional looking to streamline your workflow or a casual user who loves organization, Arc Browser offers tools that can significantly enhance your browsing experience.

Ready to make the switch? You can download Arc Browser for Windows from here.

With its promising array of features, Arc Browser might just be the next big thing in web browsing for Windows users. But, note that it is currently available for Windows 11 users only.


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