Spotify ‘s New Policy in India Sparks User Backlash


Recent changes made by Spotify India have caused widespread outrage from free users. Their policy restricts some features that were once available to free users, including playing songs in order, repeating songs, switching through tracks, and the traditional shuffle function – for accessing these functions, one must upgrade to Premium subscription plans.

Many have expressed their displeasure with this decision on various social platforms and have questioned Spotify’s motivations for making such changes.

Spotify Users Backlash and Reactions

As soon as Spotify made their announcement, there was widespread outrage from their user base. Many accused the music streaming giant of prioritizing profit over user experience by making this change that could force them into upgrading to Premium subscription plans; many expressed frustration that this effectively rendered free tier unusable. 

Twitter users vented their frustrations over Spotify’s new policy in India. One tweeted, “Spotify’s new policy in India is ridiculous. I don’t pay for Premium subscription just so I can play songs in order. Perhaps I should switch music streaming services.”

Another wrote “I am very disappointed by Spotify’s new policy; for years, I had been an active free user, but the new rules make its free tier unusable and are making me reconsider my decision to stay.”

Spotify’s Defense

Responding to this uproar, Spotify strongly defended their new policy by noting it is essential for their long-term sustainability and investment in their service, ultimately improving both free and Premium users’ experiences.

But many users remain unpersuaded by Spotify’s explanation, arguing that its main aim is to maximize profits by convincing more subscribers to upgrade to Premium subscription. They also pointed out that competing music streaming services, like YouTube Music and Amazon Music, continue offering all features now restricted for its free users by Spotify.

Uncertain Future and Possible Outcomes


Long-term consequences of Spotify’s new policy remain undetermined. While many users appear discontent with this decision, whether this dissatisfaction leads to significant user migration to alternative music streaming services or prompts the company to reconsider their stance remains unknown.

For the time being, users unhappy with the new policy still have options available. They can listen to music on Spotify by shuffling their playlists or enjoying entire albums. Additionally, Spotify offers a “Smart Shuffle” feature that suggests music based on user preferences.

However, for those seeking the ability to play songs in a specific order or repeat tracks, a Premium subscription will be necessary.

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Spotify’s recent policy change in India has ignited a firestorm of criticism from its free users, who feel their essential features have been unjustly limited. Spotify has argued that this move is crucial for the company’s sustainability and to enhance the user experience.

The future will reveal whether users choose to remain, migrate to competitors, or if Spotify will reconsider its policy in light of user feedback. In the meantime, users have alternative ways to enjoy music on Spotify, albeit with certain limitations.

What are you thinking about Spotifyโ€™s new policy? Share your thoughts in the comment section.


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